Maturity Models

The Digital Imaging Adoption Model – Has the Tipping Point for Enterprise Imaging Arrived?

The Digital Imaging Adoption Model – Has the Tipping Point for Enterprise Imaging Arrived?

By Kimberley Garriott, Principal Consultant, Healthcare Strategies Logicalis, Inc.; HIMSS-SIIM Enterprise Imaging Community Chair

Looking for a way to gain leverage for enterprise imaging within your organization? The HIMSS Analytics Digital Imaging Adoption Model for Enterprise Imaging (DIAM-EI) may just be the tipping point that you need.

The DIAM is the collaborative effort of imaging experts around the world to create an eight-stage (0-7) maturity model offering industry-standard guidance and benchmarks for IT adoption of medical imaging best practices. First introduced by HIMSS Analytics and the European Society of Radiology in Europe in 2016, the initial radiology-focused DIAM has now been revised to include a second – and very important – emphasis on enterprise imaging.

Healthcare organizations worldwide will use both the DIAM and the DIAM - EI assessments to ensure they are aligned with the industry and with their peer organizations, and to confirm they're leveraging technology to its fullest extent to provide the best possible outcomes for their patients. The DIAM will also help healthcare providers and vendors alike to identify technology gaps, create a roadmap for improvements, and validate their proficiencies. But perhaps the most important aspect of the DIAM-EI development is that, by extending the DIAM to include enterprise imaging, healthcare IT as an industry has recognized that enterprise imaging's time has come.

Read the full post on the Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine website