
Bridging the Digital Divide: The Role of Nurse Informaticists

Nurse Informaticists, pivotal in healthcare teams, seamlessly bridge nursing and technology, advocating for technology that meets clinical and operational needs. They often serve on boards and committees, influence IT investments, policy updates, and the implementation of new technologies. Other key roles a nurse informaticist may assume include training staff on clinical Technologies/EHR, data management and analysis, compliance, research and development, and quality improvement.

The Job Description Working Group was established as a subgroup of the HIMSS NI Education and Networking Working Group, to standardize the job description for this role and provide a framework and guidance to organizations.

A comprehensive review of research papers and existing job descriptions from several organizations was conducted to inform discussions at working group meetings. This process facilitated the identification of common themes and the development of a standardized job description.  The final document was later reviewed by the HIMSS Nursing Informatics Committee to ensure alignment with the current healthcare environment.

Nurse informatics roles vary greatly from one healthcare organization to another. This variation is reflected in the role title and specific duties. It is important to identify these variations and adapt the role to the specific requirements of each healthcare organization. In this document, we outline the common job description of the nurse informatics role. This role is critical in improving patient care using technology and data governance.

The dynamic nature of the healthcare technology landscape underscores the necessity for nursing informatics professionals to be agile, adaptable and consistently enhance their competencies. In addition to guiding ongoing work, this job description lays the foundation for further advancement and development of this profession. Continued development will make nursing informaticists an essential resource for any healthcare organization, enabling them to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing healthcare environment.

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